About Us » School Policies

School Policies

PHIS students will wear School T-shirts. T-shirts may not be altered in any way. These will be available for purchase periodically throughout the school year on campus from the vendor or from the vendor’s retail store. The school will not keep additional T-shirts for distribution. Loaner Shirts will be available in case of emergencies and must be returned by the end of the school day, or students will be charged for the T-shirt’s replacement. Students must also dress to a reasonable standard of appropriateness, as if going for a job interview as an entry level employee. Appropriate clothes don’t have to be expensive, but must be comfortable and modest. Before you leave for school, ask yourself: ARE YOU DRESSED FOR SUCCESS?
  • Your midriff is completely covered, front and back.
  • All clothing fits properly.
  • Shorts or skirts are not more than six inches above your knees.
  • No visible undergarments or see-through clothing.
  • No chains, oversized belts, or buckles hanging from the waist.
  • Wear sunglasses outside of buildings only.
  • No dangerous jewelry or sharp items.
  • No offensive, illegal, gang-related, or negative symbols and language.

PHIS Uniform Guidance

Expectations for Uniforms

  • Students will be expected to be in uniform t-shirts or another Pahoa High and Intermediate branded top daily.
  • School ID is considered part of the uniform and needs to be visible at all times on campus.
  • Students are not to cover uniforms with pull-over style hoodies. Hoodies or other outwear that unzip or otherwise open in the front and can show the uniform top are acceptable.

What if you don’t have your uniform

  • For students who come to school without a uniform shirt, one will be provided for you by security or other school staff.
  • Students who are issued a uniform for the day must return them to security for cleaning at the end of the day.
  • Every effort will be made to get you a uniform shirt of proper size; however, we may have to use larger sizes if your size is not available. 

Incentives for wearing your uniform

  • Students who wear their uniform daily will have free dress on Fridays.
  • Students who were issued a uniform during the week will not have free dress on that Friday.

Student use of cell phones, PDA’s or other electronic devices during the school day is a privilege. Adherence to the guidelines below is essential to maintaining an appropriate academic environment and the integrity of the classroom. Abuse of this privilege will result in consequences beginning with confiscation of device, parent conference, suspension or loss of other privileges such as participation in school trips, internships, proms and potentially graduation exercises.


Cell phones and all functions within the cell phone (i.e. cameras and all other applications) are prohibited unless except in the case of a staff member giving explicit permission for educational purposes. Cell phones and recording devices in school restrooms are strictly prohibited. 

Students must comply with staff directives, including but not limited to, ending phone conversations for student-staff interaction and using appropriate voice volume and device volume. When in use, cell phones must be on silent mode so that no audible ring tone is heard.

Students using cell phones, PDAs, or other electronic devices in any manner that disrupts the educational environment, whether inside or outside the classroom, or violates the rights of others—such as using the device to breach our academic honesty policy, violate school conduct rules, harass or bully staff or students, photograph or video record, or engage in unlawful activities—will face severe disciplinary action. This may include suspension, expulsion, and, if necessary, reporting to the Hawaii Police Department.

Cell Phone Rule: The respectful, non-disruptive use of cell phones is permitted in the school cafeteria during lunch period and any other school area except those listed above. As soon as the threshold of the classroom or any prohibited area is crossed, during the school day, cell phones need to be put away and made undetectable (i.e., silenced without vibration). Ear buds/headphones must be removed.  Violation of the cell phone rule as stated above will result in the confiscation of the device according to the following ladder of disciplinary action:


  • First Offense ~ the device will be confiscated until the end of the period. REview policy in the main office, room F108.

  • Second Offense ~ the device will be confiscated until the end of the day. Administrator contacts parent/guardian.

  • Third Offense ~ An Administrator will establish parent contact and the confiscated device will remain in the main office until it is picked up by a parent or guardian.

*It should be noted that refusal to surrender a cell phone or other electronic device when directed to do so by an administrator is a violation of Chapter 19 and our school’s Code of Conduct. Insubordinate behavior could result in loss of recess, suspension, exclusion from school events, and/or graduation activities.

Policy Bullet Points

    • Cell phones are prohibited from use in classrooms and any other area in which academic work is being done unless otherwise explicitly instructed by the teacher. 
    • Earbuds/headphones must be removed during class time.
    • Once inside the school, students must store their cell phones/electronic devices in a location that is not visible to the teacher or other students, even though they are on SILENT. It is YOUR responsibility to keep your things secure.
    • If a cell phone/ electronic device rings, vibrates, or is used for any reason without teacher permission, or is visible anytime during class time or if you are caught using it on campus during class time, a staff member may confiscate the device.

  • Students using their phones to capture Chapter 19 offenses such as fighting, smoking/vaping, or other behaviors are strictly prohibited. 
    • Texting and cell phone use is permitted in halls during passing and during the lunch period in the cafeteria
    • All cell phone use must be respectful and non-disruptive to students and staff.
    • Phones must remain on silent at all times throughout the school day. Parents / Guardians, please note you can contact your child via their cell phone during the lunch period (10:15-10:30 and 12:55-1:25). In the event of an immediate emergency, please call the school’s main office at (808) 313-4300.

  • It is important for families to contact the front office for emergency situations that arise rather than calling students directly.  By looping in the teachers and staff, we are able to assist the students to deal with these situations and create support plans with them as they may be going through a difficult time.  It also allows for the education of the rest of the campus to continue without interruption.
  • The staff of Pahoa High and Intermediate School requests your FULL co-operation with our policy.
  • It should be noted that, the school nor any of its employees are responsible for the loss or damage to any student’s phone or electronic device whether that device is in the student’s possession or confiscated by the staff. It is the responsibility of the student to adhere to this policy and to secure his or her belongings at all times. Classes and or instruction will not be stopped to deal with or search for lost phones/devices.

Students are encouraged to use their phones in ways that strengthen connections and support their academic and social interactions. Disruptive or disrespectful use  of cell phones or other technology undermines our school values of Pono, Pilina, Mālama, and Kuleana.



Students at PHIS have internet access for educational purposes. This is a privilege, not a
right; students are expected to be responsible and abide by the following rules:
A responsible Internet user WILL:
  •  Use the Internet only to gather information related to classroom assignments
  • Use the Internet for communications to others for school related projects
A responsible Internet user WILL NOT:
  • Use the Internet for any illegal purpose.
  • Use the Internet to send or receive copyrighted material without permission.
  • Use the Internet to access, download or distribute pornographic, obscene or sexually
    explicit material.
  • Use the Internet to transmit obscene, abusive or sexually explicit or threatening
    language or material.
  • Use the internet to violate another person’s right to privacy.
Students who violate school Internet policy will lose Internet access at school. Depending on the severity of the infraction, Chapter 19 consequences may also apply.
If you bring your cell phone or personal electronic device to school, you may not be able to use it during class time, and the school is not responsible if it is lost, stolen, or damaged. Please see the school website for more information about cell-phone use on campus.
ATTENDANCE EXPECTATION: Phis Students are expected to be in Class on Time.
  • On Time - In class before the tardy bell rings.
  • Tardy to Class - After the tardy bell, but with a note from another teacher, counselor, or administrator.
  • Late to Class - After the tardy bell or out of class without written permission from the teacher or other authorized staff.


Expectations for Present and On Time:

  • Teachers will be at the class before students in order to greet students as they arrive.
  • Students will be in class before the tardy bell rings.
    • “Tardy” is defined as anytime after the bell rings and students are not in the room.
  • Students less than five minutes tardy will be sent to class and teacher marks accordingly in Infinite Campus.
  • Students more than five minutes tardy will be sent to Onward room to work on I-Ready. If student refuses to go, administration will be notified and student will be sent home as disorderly.
    • Parents will be notified of all Onward room students via automated notification daily.
  • Students tardy or cutting class more than 3 times in a week will be sent home as disorderly.

Attendance Goals:

  • PHIS students are expected to be in class every day and on time. Realizing other life issues do come up during the school year, students are considered to have good attendance when they are in class and on time at least 90% of class periods.
  • Students with 80% attendance or less will be placed on attendance contracts.
    • Suggested schedule: 7th/8th-M, 9th-T, 10th W, 11th/12th-Th
    • Contracts will be developed with counselor, student, and parent(s)/guardian(s).
    • Counselors will check in weekly with students on contract.
    • Attendance contracts will last until attendance is above 80% for 20 consecutive school days.
    • Students on contract will not be permitted to participate in athletic competition or any other extracurricular activity.
    • Students on contract will make-up attendance through after school tutoring.
If a student comes to class late with a pass from another teacher, counselor, or an administrator, the student should be admitted and marked tardy. Students who are not in class by the tardy bell will go directly to the GLO lab for the duration of that class period.
Students who are out of class after the tardy bell are considered to be “cutting class.”  Students who cut class will be counted as an unexcused absence.  Parents will receive an automated call for the absence from class.  Students will be sent to the GLO lab for the duration of that class period.
Students out of class without proper passes will be processed as cutting class.  Students who cut class will be counted as an unexcused absence from class.  Parents should receive an automated call for the absence from class.  Students will be sent to the GLO lab for the duration of that class period.