PHIS Distance Learning Program SY22-23


The purpose of offering a distance learning (DL) model is to provide our students with a variety of platforms where they can be academically successful. We know that students learn in many different ways. This platform is designed for students who are self motivated and independent learners. This model is a standalone program and does not teach the same material at the same pace that teachers provide during face to face (F2F) instruction. Therefore if approved to use this model, students and parents must commit to it for the whole school year.


Pahoa High and Intermediate School has decided to use Edgenuity for our distance learning and credit recovery programs. Edgenuity provides adequate rigor that will prepare our students for success beyond high school. Each course has a scope and sequence where lessons begin with a video followed by individual activities and/or tasks, and quizzes. Taking notes during lessons is highly encouraged. The program provides notes that can be printed and used throughout the course to support academic success. Tutoring support is also offered through the program for core subjects, as needed. 


Students will be enrolled in classes necessary to progress toward meeting graduation requirements.


All DL students are required to attend the virtual check-in meetings as well as login to their Edgenuity accounts daily (Monday through Friday, except holidays). Meeting links will be provided to students in their school google email account as well as the Distance Learning Google Classroom stream. Students are encouraged to spend at least 4 hours a day actively working on their Edgenuity courses to meet course completion deadlines.

* 15 or more absences is considered chronically absent and may result in family court involvement.


Students will be graded on a standard grading policy (A = 90-100%; B = 89-80%; C = 79-70%; D= 69-60%; 59-0% = F).  A passing grade is a 60% or higher. Final grades will be awarded in December (semester based courses) and May (Year long courses) based on the grade assigned in the program. It is expected that all courses will be 100% complete by the deadline which is determined by PHIS and the Distance Learning Coordinator. 

State Tests

Every student in the State of Hawaii is required to participate in various assessments, tests, or other accountability measures during the school year.  For example, grades 7, 8, and 11 participate in the Smarter Balanced Assessment each spring.  Families will work with the school to ensure their child is available in person to participate in any assessments/accountability measures as needed by the school. There is no “opt out” option for state tests.


The DL Coordinator will monitor student progress and provide support as needed. If at any time students or their parent/guardian is in need of additional support or services, they are encouraged to reach out to the DL Coordinator (email is preferred). 

Parents/guardians are expected to sign up for the family portal through Edgenuity by requesting a special code from the DL Coordinator (email is preferred). The family portal will allow parents/guardians to receive weekly progress reports as well as 24 hour access to monitor their child’s progress in Edgenuity.


  1. Student will
    1. Not have failed 3 or more classes.
    2. Have no obligations.
    3. Have iReady & Dibels scores within a year of their grade level. 
  2. I will sign up for the Edgenuity family portal by requesting a special code from the DL Coordinator (email is preferred). 
  3. I will work with the school to obtain the technology needed for distance learning.
  4. Per the school’s request, I will arrange to pick up and drop off my child’s work and resources.
  5. I am committing my child to participate in distance learning for the whole school year.
  6. I will ensure my child is following the school schedule and completing daily lessons and/or assignments.
  7. I will ensure my child meets all timelines for turning in work.
  8. I will work with the school to ensure my child is available in person to participate in any assessments/accountability measures as needed by the school. 


Communication from the DL Coordinator will be primarily through email. Therefore, it is important to provide us with your current email address and to check it regularly.

Important Contact Information





Kim Williamson


(808) 313-4312

[email protected]

Maelyn Burns

Distance Learning Coordinator

(808) 313-4319

[email protected]

Kiyomi Nozawa-Edwards

Counselor gr. 11-12

(808) 313-4342

[email protected]

Heather Mckenzie

Counselor gr. 9-10

(808) 313-4350

[email protected]

Montana Tsubamoto

Counselor gr 7-8

(808) 313-4294

[email protected]


Vice Principal

(808) 313-4376



Office Staff

(808) 313-4301


Start Date for all students registered in DL is August 3, 2022.

